Pop-up exhibition “The lovers’ coffin”

Sep 2020

Almost a year ago, Carlotta inherited from her father a huge storage full of stuff, located in the hills around Bologna. A few months later, during the recent lockdown, while she was trying to transform the place into her workshop she found many different objects, some of which unknown, that caught her attention. She started associating them, two by two, and placing them into small wooden boxes. One object is separated from the “other half” by a thin wall as each member of a couple is together but distant, to use her words “incongruent and discordant” but eternally tight. “The lovers’ coffin” is a series of small wooden boxes representing the archetype of an impossible, though real, love, persisting across space and time. Inspired by the famous Sarcophagus of the Spouses and Munari’s “Travel sculptures” Carlotta found her way to address the question: love from a distance is still love?

Bio: Carlotta Concilio studied sculpture at the Academy of fine arts in Bologna. In 2017 she curated an art exibition in Adria. She collaborates with Alchemica Association in Trento and coordinates the collective S.O.L.E. Currently she is participating in the collective project “Modulopoli” in Milano.
